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Evaluar déficit de atención en niños de 4 a 7 años
The Conners Kiddie Continuous Performance Test 2nd Edition (Conners K-CPT 2) assesses attention deficits in children ages 4 to 7 years old. Based on the well-established Conners CPT paradigm, the Conners K–CPT 2 takes only half the time (7.5 minutes) to complete, making it more appropriate for younger children. Results from the measure can be used for clinical assessment, early identification, and educational classification. The assessment can be also be used to evaluate treatment effectiveness by administering the test before treatment and during treatment to monitor change.
B*. Para la venta de este producto se requiere acreditar: Titulación en Psicología, Educación, Medicina, Logopedia, Terapia ocupacional u otro campo relacionado con el propósito de uso del test.
Artículos relacionados:
K-CPT 2 Manual
K-CPT 2 Software
Unlimited K-CPT 2 uses