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Dance integration: 36 Dance Lesson Plans for Science and Mathematics

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Dance integration: 36 Dance Lesson Plans for Science and Mathematics

Dance Integration offers 36 lesson plans that use dance learning to bring mathematics and science curriculums to life. These plans have proven to improve literacy in dance, mathematics, and science.

This book is organized in three parts:

Part I -Introduces the role of dance in education; defines dance integration; and describes the uses, benefits, and effects of dance when used in tandem with another content area.

Part II -Offers dance and mathematics lessons that parallel the common core standards for mathematics.

Part III -Presents dance and science learning activities in physical science, life science, earth and space sciences, investigation, experimentation, and technology.

Each lesson plan includes a warm-up, a developmental progression of activities, and formative and summative assessments and reflections.

Part I -Introduces the role of dance in education
1) Introduction to Dance integration
2) Teaching Dance Integration: Finding Relationships
3) Pedagogy: Enlivening the classroom

Part II: Dance and Mathematics Learning Activities
4) Counting and cardinality
5) Operations and Algebric Thinking
6) Numbers and operations
7) Measurement and data
8) Geometry

Part III: Dance and sciencie Learning activuties
9) Physical science
10) Life science
11) Earth and space sciencies
12) Investigation, experimentation ans technology

Editorial: Human Kinetics
ISBN: 9781450441339
Páginas: 229
Idioma: Inglés
Encuadernación: Rústica

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Envíos España península para pedidos superiores a 59,90 euros (más iva) (condiciones)



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